Today, the e-commerce sector is performing well, but this has not always been the case, especially during its debut. Milestones challenges and key figures a look back at two decades of distance selling on the web.
The end of the 90’s marks the beginning of e-commerce in the sense that it is conceived today. An era that, logically, sees its development linked to that of the web in the worldwide.
In just a few years, the concept of e-commerce is solidifying its foundations, settling in the minds of consumers and generating new issues. We are starting to talk about the competition between “real” and “virtual” purchases and the threat posed by web players to traditional retailers.
The rise of e-commerce development is of course inseparable from that of computing and technical progress that makes computers more powerful and more affordable.
More people, more sellers:
The post-2000 decade will see the statistics of e-commerce panic: sites will multiply, turnover increase and the number of users amplify. All this again thanks to the democratization of the computer and the improvement of the network but also the appearance of new devices (tablets and Smartphone’s).
The growth in the number of e-commerce sites is accompanied by a logical and equally strong increase in e-commerce turnover.
Competition alters E-Commerce:
Who says more e-commerce sites says more competition. It is both harder to be seen, and more difficult to convince the buyer, who now has a huge choice of sellers. The user, for its part, inquires, price comparisons abound and the exchange on blogs and forums. E-commerce sites must therefore deal with two issues.
- Surpass competitors, on the one hand
- And ensure that customers are satisfied, on the other.
The face of e-commerce is gradually changing, the focus is on choice, because must “keep” the visitor and thus allow him to find what he came to seek. If the first sites presented dozens of products, the leaders now offer thousands.
The arrival of social networks also offers new marketing opportunities for e-merchants: they can bring their customers into a community.
Never had the means of acquisition and loyalty been so great and powerful. The development of web technology also opens doors to e-commerce sites that can think of new marketing actions:
E-mailing campaigns, targeted advertising, dynamic re-marketing, data driven strategy
What future for E-Commerce?
In 20 years the sector has experienced many changes. And only in recent years, the face of e-commerce development has already undergone profound changes. The real question about its transformation is therefore not whether or not it will happen, but how will it unfold.
The performance of the e-commerce market depends on the structural means implemented and its organization which ensure its sustainable success.
The level of trust of Internet users has thus increased and the number of online sales sites is increasingly important. E-commerce strategies are thus constantly being updated and updated, both in terms of the quality of the services offered and the level of market coverage. Indeed, the evolution of online communication techniques still faces the problems.